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This blog is for my venting purposes. If you disagree with my comments, please feel free to post your own. If it offends you, take it down the road. Are homosexuals soon to be extinct? There is a lot of chatter all over the web about the religious implications of homosexuality. Some like Phil believe that homos cannot get into heaven. The LGBT community believe that homos have the same rights to heaven as everyone else. So who is right? Are we judging the homos because they sin differently from us? .
Sunday, May 3, 2015. I was working that day and I could have used it as a subject of conversation at school. I suppose that I was the fool. At the beginning of April, I was following closely the Winnipeg Jets results as they were attempting to make the playoffs. As it was, they had the final playoff spot but only barely. I finished reading a Jeeves and Wooster novel. I published a picture of.
Save Yarmouk - Salva Yarmouk - Salve Yarmouk. For autonomous, horizontal and anarchist struggle and an invitation to the libertarian caravan for the peoples in resistance in the Isthmus of Oaxaca. The Oakland Palestine Solidarity Mural. Jackass - Israeli Occupation Forces Edition. Some memes dedicated to the Palestinian Authority. On AIPAC Coming to Oakland.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012. Final Results of New Hampshire Presidential Primary. Yet some of the Republican candidates sound like they are grasping for straws by attacking capitalism and profits, making their rhetoric indistinguishable from the Occupy Wall Street protesters. And other commentators have noticed this anomaly. Monday, January 9, 2012. Saturday, January 7, 2012.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012. iTunes has aggravated me from the beginning, while Amazon Prime has rocked. Android feels like it was developed by a bunch of stoned hackers, which is probably close to the truth. Nokia 920 and Windows Phone 8, bring it on. Wednesday, August 22, 2012. Open a crap bank account at.
FIND OUT WHAT SORT OF BELIEF SYSTEM YOU OUGHT TO SUBSCRIBE TO IN ORDER TO PLEASE DAVE. Hell no, I am the Randian Superman! Thursday, February 21, 2013.
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Qui ex eirmod nonumes maiestatis. Ad nec nisl aperiri dolorum. Duo ut modus putent, est ullum nullam ad. No putant option sententiae eam.
Am incercat de atatea ori sa mazgalesc despre tine. Dar poate ca a spune intreg adevarul despre tine imi e mereu cu neputinta. Mereu m-au fascinat povestile cu final deschis. Ai simtit asta, nu? Am luat verdele cu mine. Si mi-am manjit lumea cu el, ca sa-mi fie mereu primavara. When she is sad, try to make her smile.